Saint Andrew’s Church in Patras
One of the largest churches in the Balkans

Saint Andrew’s Church is situated in the South part of the city and is one of the biggest churches in the Balkans.
The new, majestic Church built in Byzantine style was founded in 1908 by George the 1st and was inaugurated in 1974 by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Patras, Nikodimos.
It is the largest and most artistically significant church in the Balkans and one of the largest in Europe. Its construction was supervised by architect Anastasios Metaxas and following his death in 1937, by architect Georgios Nomikos.
The central cupola is 46 metres tall and is the base for a 5-metre gold-plated cross and twelve smaller ones, symbolizing Christ and his twelve disciples.
At least 5000 people can attend ceremonies within the church.
The well of Agios Andreas (Saint Andrew)
Next to the old Church there is also the well of Agios Andreas. This place used to be Demetra’s spring and was also used as an oracle for the sick. This spot was where Apostle Andreas preached. According to legend, it was also the spot where he was crucified.