Sights & Landmarks in Patras

Discover unique historical sights, locations and culture.

Patras is the third largest city in Greece counting about 214.000 residents.

It is called the “Greek gate to Europe”, as the port of Patras connects Greece with many Italian major ports. Patras rich history can be viewed in the New Archaeological museum of the city. The museum is located in the North entrance of the city and housed in a state-of-the-art modern building.

Each of Patras sights & landmarks offer a unique experience to the visitor. The Medieval Castle, the Municipal Theater “Apollon”, the Achaia Clauss winery and the Rio – Antirrio bridge are some of the locations one should not miss.

Patras geographical location is key for visitors that are interested in Ancient Greek sights and monuments. This is because Patras has the advantage of being located in the middle of the Ancient OlympiaDelphiEpidaurus geographical triangle. Many visitors use Patras as their “base” in order to visit these unique Greek Archaeological destinations.

Another location worth visiting, is the historical village of Kalavryta, which is closely located and can be reached by train through a rail-rack railway, which offers a wonderful route through the nature and the Vouraikos river.
