Patras Carnival 2017
Event & Parade Schedule – 24/25/26 February 2017

Patras Carnival – The Carnival of Greece
The Carnival of Patras continues to this day, to work as a source of inspiration, optimism, fun and entertainment, even during the times of the economic crisis. In it’s history, Patras Carnival has faced -and survived- even greater social and political difficulties, proving the natural human tendency to combat serious problems with fun, laughter and dance.
In this page, you will find a complete guide on Patras Carnival with information about the event schedule, how to participate, and more!
Patras Carnival 2017 Event Schedule
The peak of Carnival festivities takes place during the last weekend of the Carnival period. This year the dates are the 24rd, 25th & 26th of February 2017. Tourists from Greece and abroad visit the city, in order to take part in the Carnival parades and the parties that happen in bars, clubs and streets all over the city.
On the night of Friday, 24rd of February, visitors will have the chance to see the Night Parade of the Carnival Chariots in the city center. The Carnival of Patras is famous for it’s chariots, that are almost ceremoniously created by hand each year for the core parades. The chariots are made of polyester styrofoam, covered with flour glue and old newspapers and painted in vidid colors. The chariots usually take satyrical forms of current socio-political norms and events.
On the afternoon of Saturday, 25th of February, the Night Parade begins at about 18:30, when thousands of people join to parade and dance in the central streets of Patras. The parade lasts about 3 hours.
At noon of Sunday, 26th of February, the Grand Parade begins at about 14:00. The Carnival chariots open the parade and are followed by more than 35.000 people dancing for more than 4 hours. Official celebrations last until the closing ceremony that takes place on the same day, at 21:00 in the Saint Nick’s jetty, accompanied by the burning of King Carnival and an amazing fireworks show.

Useful tips for Visitors:
- Avoid using your car in the city center. You will most likely face a traffic jam and it will be hard to find a parking space. Taking a taxi is one of the best ways to move in the city during the Carnival. Minimum tariff is 3,40 € and the rate is about 0,70 € per km.
- The festivities will continue unobstructed, even if the weather forecast predicts a lot of rain during the core parades.
- Book rooms and accommodation as early as possible. The demand, especially during the last weekend, is high.
- It is acceptable to drink in public during Carnival events, but the usual laws still apply. Damaging property or public misconduct can lead to an arrest.
- Look after your belongings. The city center can become very crowded and despite the police enforcement that will be present, pickpockets will not hesitate to grab what they can.