Terms of Use

Intellectual Property

The content, texts, photos, videos and website services (except copyright and registered trademarks of third parties) contained in patrasinfo.com website are the property of patrasinfo.com and available to visitors / users of the site, strictly for personal use. Their use is prohibited in any manner, in any case without written permission of the owner of copyright of patrasinfo.com

Information Services – Availability

Patrasinfo.com provides the visitor / user complete information in respect of the city of Patras, the surrounding area and the corresponding attractions and services.

The content of patrasinfo.com is provided “as it is” and does not in any way hint to act or omission. The visitor / user must evaluate the content of media and act voluntarily excluding any liability of patrasinfo.com.

Patrasinfo.com makes every effort to post accurate information and data on all pages. However, patrasinfo.com assumes no responsibility for any damage caused to the visitor / user during his visit to patrasinfo.com, from any cause and indicative failure correctness or incompleteness of content or unavailability.

Patrasinfo.com does not guarantee and is therefore not responsible for the availability of uninterrupted, error free provision of services or content, nor for the absence of “viruses” or other harmful elements,  during the visit on www.patrasinfo.com , or some other site / server through which receives the content.


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Visitor / user is prohibited of violating the Greek, International or Community Law and Code of Conduct User Internet (netiquette) while browsing patrasinfo.com. Patrasinfo.com reserves the right to get legal action against the visitor / user to stop the violation and prevent its recurrence in the future, not excluding any claim for compensation by the visitor / user to possible injury.

Applicable law – Jurisdiction

The Terms of Use are governed by the relevant provisions of Greek, International and Community Law. Any dispute arising from the application of these conditions will be settled by the Court of Patras in Greece.